Historical Ad-Dir’iyah
Historical Ad-Dir’iyah located in northeast Riyadh, and it is the capital of the first Saudi state. In the past people used to call it Al-awja. It is one of the…
December 25, 2019
Nofa Resort
One of the beautiful places in Riyadh, located outside of the town on Makkah road, it is like an oasis in the middle of the desert. Nofa restore is an…
November 7, 2020
Hiking in Saudi Arabia
“To walk in nature is to witness a thousand miracles.” Mary Davis This is my second post in my series of outdoor activities you can do around the Kingdom. You…
July 12, 2020
Al-Riyadh museums
Say Riyadh, and many would immediately think about the desert and the image they have in their head about Saudi, thanks to bias / unprofessional journalist/ writer. Anyways, beside the…
January 7, 2020
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